April Hansen points to advancements in today's marketplace are 80% faster than those of just a decade ago.

Competitive market advancements are happening over 80% faster than ten years ago.

TEDx speaker, April Hansen points to advancements in today's marketplace are 80% faster than those of just a decade ago.

We are at a crucial global moment.

This rapid shift introduces fresh hurdles for individuals and businesses in growth, strategy, culture, and innovation. We find ourselves at a pivotal and global juncture, facing the looming threat of obsolescence.

My growth model, rooted in a design
I learned growing up, continues to evolve.

Recognize the value of simplicity and focusing on priorities.

    Appreciate the importance of resilience in the context of hard work.    

    Have the willingness to fail and start over.    

Overcoming Fear and Resistance for Growth

Confronting Change

Navigating Uncertainty and Setting Clear Goals

Finding Direction

Breaking Paralysis and Driving Change

Igniting Innovation

Signature Keynote

Competitive market advancements are happening 80% faster than ten years ago. This rapid shift introduces fresh hurdles for individuals and businesses in growth, strategy, culture, and innovation. We find ourselves at a pivotal and global juncture, facing the looming threat of obsolescence. To steer clear of irrelevance, leaders and teams must embrace adaptation.

The Growth Game Plan™ offers a practical approach to adaptability with innovative insights, useful tools, and a fresh mindset to unlock potential and revolutionize your own growth journey amidst the chaos of change.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities 

Growth Game Plan™

This keynote is for:

Leaders and teams who face:

  • Stalled growth as market movement presses relentlessly on teams to pivot and adapt

  • Confusion and innovation gridlock as rapid shifts cloud strategic vision

  • Hindered creativity and commitment as the chaos of change creates exhaustion

The audience will leave with:

  • Collective ambition and a transformed mindset to embrace growth and movement

  • Elevated tools and resources to form a culture of sustainable growth

  • Fuel to confront and push through barriers of change by fostering resilience and adaptability

Adaptability is the Center of Growth, Change, and Innovation.

Master 3 Small Steps
Big Growth

3 small steps that create big change from the Growth Game Plan™ framework.
An easy to follow growth model is the secret to April Hansen's creative and innovative framework.
Step one in April Hansen's Growth Game Plan™ framework is to embrace shifts. Learn more about the entire model here.

Growth Game Plan™

Shift your mindset and break free from beliefs that impede both personal and organizational growth. Align with a collective ambition that inspires a culture of growth and innovation.

Embrace Shifts

Step two in April Hansen's Growth Game Plan™ framework is to push through. Learn more about the entire model here.

Growth Game Plan™

Confront and push through the barriers of uncertainty and hesitation, unleashing the resilience and adaptability inherent within you and your team.

Push Through

Learn Growth Game Plan™ Step 3: Recognizing personal growth.

Navigate growth pathways to infuse resilience and adaptability into your team to ignite the dimensions of growth.

Realize Growth

Growth Game Plan™

April’s Raving Fans

Overcome challenges such as stalled growth, confusion, hindered commitment, and innovation gridlock.

 The Growth Game Plan™ helps you navigate market shifts, maintain strategic vision, and avoid exhaustion amid change.

Top 6 Reasons to Book April

When your business needs to...

April's captivating keynote speeches deliver cutting-edge business growth insights, drawing in audiences. Her remarkable healthcare career provides a unique perspective in high-stakes situations.

Gain impactful insights

Participants benefit from learning programs that effectively aid in the develop a growth mindset for making strategic decisions in complex business environments.

Overcome barriers to innovation

Get access to elevated tools and resources

April’s message is unique: it's not only about improving as a leader but also about embracing leadership roles with a new mindset. Thereby offering fresh and innovative ideas.

Master high-stakes leadership. Discover how April and leaders like her approach growth and strategy when it matters most.

Grow across multiple areas

Become adaptable to ever present changes

Leaders grappling with business growth direction and strategy find methods for personal and professional development, and the motivation to act.

Audience members access networking that build connections to overcome confusion and find innovative solutions. Stalled teams pivot and adapt effectively.

Achieve collective ambition

My purpose is clear.

Share what I have learned to empower and activate others in our workplaces, communities, and beyond.

"It was riveting! I am totally moved to take life-changing action toward my own personal growth!”

Growth Game Plan™Attendee

For Meeting Professionals

Keynote & Topic Downloads

Growth Quizzes, Evaluations, and Scorecards

Enhance your leadership by answering 12 key questions.

Download and take the growth scorecard quiz. Uncover four strategies to navigate disruptive forces in business and personal growth.

Navigating disruptions in both business and personal.

Discover and socialize what makes you and others generate resonance or dissonance. Explore my Resonance/ Dissonance map.

Learn 10 ways to embrace change and assess your authenticity.

Learn ways to unlock strategies for refining your leadership style and overcoming authenticity challenges.

Experience the Impact!

Turn Challenges into Opportunities Today!